Getting Your Cat Fixed: When and What To Know

Getting Your Cat Fixed: When and What To Know

If you have just got a new kitten or adult cat, you may be wondering if you should get your new fur baby fixed. Our Stroudsburg vets explain why having your cat spayed or neutered is beneficial for your cat and your community.

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Congestive Heart Failure in Cats: Signs, Symptoms, & Prognosis

Congestive Heart Failure in Cats: Signs, Symptoms, & Prognosis

Just like humans, it is common for cats to suffer from congestive heart failure. In this post, the vets at Barton Heights Veterinary Hospital share some of the common causes, symptoms, and treatment options for cats with congestive heart failure.

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ACL in Dogs

ACL in Dogs

Many people are familiar with ACL injuries in athletes but did you know your dog can also tear their ACL? Read on to find out more from our Stroudsburg vets on what the differences are between ACL injuries in dogs and people, and how ACL injuries are treated in dogs.  

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Vomiting in Dogs: Causes & When to Worry

Vomiting in Dogs: Causes & When to Worry

Many factors could cause your dog to begin vomiting. Today, our Stroudsburg vets provide some information about vomiting in dogs, what to do if your dog begins vomiting, and how to induce vomiting in dogs if necessary.

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My cat sleeps constantly - how much is too much and when should I worry?

My cat sleeps constantly - how much is too much and when should I worry?

No doubt about it, cats love to sleep. Our Stroudsburg emergency vets are often asked by concerned cat owners if they should be worried that their cat is sleeping so much. When does a cat nap indicate that there may actually be a health emergency?

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How long do puppies teethe and how can I help?

How long do puppies teethe and how can I help?

Puppy teething can be a difficult time for parents; the pain caused by teething often leads puppies to chew on anything and everything in an effort to relieve their discomfort. Here are a few tips from our Stroudsburg vets on how to help your puppy through this difficult stage. 

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Ear Mites in Cats

Ear Mites in Cats

While they are a common external parasite, ear mites are highly contagious. They can severely irritate both ears and skin in cats and dogs and lead to infections that cause excessive itching, scratching, and eventual health issues. They are more common in cats than dogs and are fairly easy to treat. Here, our Stroudsburg vets list symptoms, causes, and treatments for ear mites in cats. 

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What does ringworm look like on a dog?

What does ringworm look like on a dog?

Ringworm, contrary to popular belief, is a fungus similar to athlete's foot. It produces infective seeds known as spores, which are extremely resilient and difficult to remove from the environment. Ringworm can infect all animals' skin, including dogs. Today, our Stroudsburg veterinarians talk about ringworm in dogs and what it looks like.

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Parvovirus in Dogs

Parvovirus in Dogs

Parvovirus is a highly contagious and often fatal virus that is passed from dog to dog through contact with infected dogs or contaminated objects like bowls or toys. Our Stroudsburg veterinarians have compiled a list of parvovirus facts that you should be aware of in order to keep your four-legged friend healthy.

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Rabies in Cats

Rabies in Cats

Rabies is a deadly virus that is very contagious for pets including cats. Today, our Stroudsburg vets discuss the impact the rabies virus can have on cats including how common it is, the symptoms, and how it is prevented.

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