What is medical pet boarding?

What is medical pet boarding?

Modern life often requires pet parents to go places where they can’t safely take their beloved pets, so they may need to board them. Today, our Stroudsburg vets discuss medical boarding, how it differs from other options, and when it is considered a good option.

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Why does my dog's breath smell so bad?

Why does my dog's breath smell so bad?

Do you find that you recoil from your pup when they come in for a cuddle or apologize to guests for the smell? Bad breath is quite common in our canine companions — especially as they grow older — and can be a sign of serious health issues in your pooch. Here, our Stroudsburg veterinarians explain what might be causing your dog's bad breath and how you can help to treat or even prevent it.

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Tooth Extractions for Cats

Tooth Extractions for Cats

There may be times when your cat has experienced dental damage or decay that is beyond repair and needs to be addressed immediately. Here, our Stroudsburg vet dentists discuss the reasons that your cat may need a tooth removed and what you can expect if they require tooth extraction surgery. 

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Common Dental Problems in Cats

Common Dental Problems in Cats

Dental problems can cause your cat significant pain, and lead to other health issues. Today, our Stroudsburg veterinary team explains how to spot dental health problems in your cat, what the most common dental diseases are in cats, and how these issues can be prevented or treated.

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Cavities in Dogs

Cavities in Dogs

Just like us, our dogs can develop dental cavities due to inadequate oral hygiene. In today's post, our Stroudsburg vets explain how dog cavities are treated and how to prevent your canine companion from developing a cavity. 

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How to Treat Gingivitis in Cats

How to Treat Gingivitis in Cats

Proper oral care is important for your cat. If their teeth are not cleaned regularly your cat can develop gum diseases like gingivitis. Our Barton Heights Veterinary Hospital vets can provide information on gingivitis in cats, its signs, causes, and treatments.

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Are pet wellness plans worth it?

Are pet wellness plans worth it?

Are you considering purchasing a cat or dog wellness plan but you want to know if it is worth it, and what it covers? Our Stroudsburg vets will discuss wellness plans and why they are beneficial for your pet.

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Six Benefits to Pet Wellness Plans

Six Benefits to Pet Wellness Plans

Are you wondering why more and more pet parents are signing up for wellness plans? Today, our Stroudsburg vets share some of the benefits of wellness plans for your beloved canine companion or feline friend.

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A Checklist for Routine Care for Your Pet

A Checklist for Routine Care for Your Pet

We all want the best for our furry family members, as pet owners. Every pet parent wants to know that their pets are getting everything they need to be happy and healthy. Today, our Stroudsburg vets will provide you with a checklist of responsible pet ownership.

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What causes whipworm in dogs?

What causes whipworm in dogs?

Whipworms are a common parasite that makes their home in the large intestine and cecum of dogs, causing irritation and leading to a host of uncomfortable symptoms. Today our Stroudsburg vets explain more about whipworms in dogs including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

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